RESOURCE: Data Protection Infographic

Discussing what good data protection practice looks like for an organisation can be a painful process. It’s easy to get lost in a rabbit warren of detail and three letter acronyms that, whilst interesting, does nothing to help a client understand the bigger picture.

I’m a great fan of a diagram. In almost every good proposal or presentation I’ve produced, it’s the inciteful diagram that tends to hold the attention and trigger the best discussions - the discussions that actually lead on to change. It’s even been known for some of my work to make ‘artwork’ status (albeit with very niche appeal) framed on walls as a daily visual aid.

Normally I produce these to meet a specific client need, but I’m sharing a slightly different one here which I’ve been using and tweaking over a number of years. This one is a single page overview of what I call ‘Operational Data Protection’. It focusses less on legal compliance and more on the tangible challenges that an executive team need to wrestle with: People and Paperwork.

Please do let me know if you find it useful or have have any suggestions for improvements ( . When I make changes I’ll keep this page updated with the most recent version. You can download a PDF of the Data Protection Infographic here.

Operational Data Protection on a page

Operational Data Protection on a page